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"And I'm gonna lock my son up in a tower till I write my whole life story on the back of his big brown eyes."
"And I'm gonna tell my son to be a prophet of mistakes because for every truth there are half a million lies.
And I'm gonna lock my son up in a tower till he learns to let his hair down far enough to climb outside."

-- Liz Phair, "Whip Smart"


And I'll pull your crooked teeth
You'll be perfect just like me
You'll be a lover in my bed
And a gun to my head
We must never be apart
We must never be apart.

In you I see dirty
In you I count stars
In you I feel so pretty
In you I taste god
In you I feel so hungry
In you I crash cars
We must never be apart

Drinking mercury
To the mystery of all that you should ever seek to find
Lovely girl you're the murder in my world
Dressing coffins for the souls
I've left behind in time
We must never be apart

Sweet William is, in appearance, an androgynous male in his late teens, in form and shape essentially a mature young human. With a sweet, rather trusting face, and warm maroon eyes, his elfin features are made a little less absurd by the context of curling horns sprouting from his forehead that come up to harmlessly gold capped tips, their shade mimicking that of his eyes. A pair of reading spectacles on his nose hints at the affectation of myopia that is common amongst certain members of the Victorian Retrotech Collective, rendering his expression studiously gentle. William's build is slim, and somewhat on the short side as far as his genotype would normally indicate. Thus he tends towards the pretty rather than the handsome, with slender arms and long fingers. Pale skin retains a faintly golden sheen, which contrasts sharply with the soft blue slate of his hair. The mop of it tends to wisp around his face, obscuring usually gentle expressions.

Behind William sways what appears for all intents and purposes to be a lithe reptilian tail tipped with a stinger, the delicate scales the same shade as his hair. Despite this ominous addition, the young man is otherwise in appearance as innocent a creature as could be imagined. His clothing is slightly too large for him in the neoVictorian 'raggamuffin' fashion, a white shirt with unbuttoned cuffs dangling at the wrists, a vest edged in fur and heavily patched trousers. His feet are hidden by simple leather shoes, his hands tipped in decorative claws that are filed to polite finish. In his mouth, usually inclined to a sweet smile, his teeth are pointed to harmless effect.

Pictures of William

Background and History

There are not really two Williams, for all that he appears to occassionally be a Plural. The truth seems to be that he evidences one personality and set of memories when he has StrangeVirus, and one when he does not. This may be inaccurate, but then again William appears to lie frequently in his StrangeHost state, so much is difficult to interpret.

What is known from Messian databanks is the following: History

Sweet William resides in Elysium and the Manor house. He commonly spends his time there, although he has been known to visit other Warps and particularly the Park. One place he refuses, utterly, to go to is Strange, due to the danger of turning out like his other self and his general hatred of the place.

Strange William lives in the Library in StrangeWarp, presumably with Tiskel, his parent-child-lover (sometimes it's better not to think of such things). Strange William does go to other warps, reasonably frequently, and appears to deliver library fines and books. Sometimes he acts as a Secretary there as well.

Abilities and Personality

William can apparently take very good shorthand, but he does not use any form of implant of psionic ability to achieve this. He has mentioned once or twice that he likes 'things filed in the right place' and occassionally he shows mild annoyance if something is out of alphabetical order. He can play the lute and speak both English and Italian, and whatever modifications the Library made to him seem to have included an exceedingly violent strength. His horns and claws likely function in the usual manner, and his tail seems to be deadly, possessing a form of strychnine-analogue.

Strange William, the Viral Host, is most definitely 'Sweet' (psychoactive scented) and sometimes his Sweetness seems to be a terrible danger to those around him. Strange William has and number of common StrangeViral traits, including but not limited to hebephrenia, paranoid delusions, megalomania, manic or impulsive behaviour, sociopathy and needlessly cryptic speech. Strange William also claimed, frequently, to be innocent, sexually naive, and kind - occassionally while actively torturing other Messians. He might even believe it, but is most certainly a Hemotopian. He is notably omnisexual in the common manner of most of the Mess, with the usual Hemotopian inclination towards sadism.

Sweet William, the Italian youth, often seems to be strange to others, but his peculiarities are in no way threatening to those about him. He has inclinations towards hedonism (currently restrained due to culture shock), artistic behaviour, and generally appears well meaning if a little inclined to bow to authority due to socialisation. Sweet William has no affiliation with any group, although the Victorian Retrotech Collective appears to have taken him in and some Hemotopians are damn curious. He is in nature distant, religious, intelligent despite his technology level, frequently depressed, submissive and somewhat guilt-ridden. He seems to be nearly exclusively homosexual (although very fond of Camilla), something nearly unknown for most Puzzleboxians.


Current Plots

Links and Feelings

If you have an opinion about William in return, put it after your entry in italics, or make an entry, or warp a story, or set some alphabet soup! Feelings...Sweet William has a lot of them about other people. In fact, because he's a Secretary, he tends to keep records. They are Relationships. But your own comments are more than

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Edited December 7, 2004 12:52 am by Mr.Curious (diff)